Celebrity Charts

Donald Trump

Donald Trump – what lies beneath the bold, brash and brazen persona?

Well, firstly, he has the grandiose, flamboyant Sign of Leo Rising which means the bold, brash and brazen persona is no lie! He’ll never be one to shy away from the spotlight. Instead he was born to seek it out. It’s here he flourishes, shines and feels most alive. Give him an audience, put him at the centre of attention and he’s one very happy man!  Leo of course is also an enormously generous, warm-hearted and giving Sign. Sunny natured too and natural at leadership.  But the biggest motivation underpinning everyone with Leo prominent in their Birth Charts is the drive to find and maintain a strong sense of their own identity.  They need to have WHO they are noticed, validated and applauded by others. They also carry an immense amount of pride – to the point where they can happily do that cutting of the nose to spite the face thing.


Trump seems to display every Leo trait – positive and negative – in the extreme, appearing to be an almost comical caricature of this usually very dignified and noble Sign. Extrovert to the point of theatrical, proud to the point of arrogance and confident to the point of conceitedness. There’s an innate superiority and sense of entitlement running through his DNA. And a lot of aggression. The competitive Planet Mars sits close to his Rising Sign making him keen to confront and conquer. It’s as if he was born wearing boxing gloves – ready for a fight.

Sun in Gemini

His Sun Sign is Gemini so he loves to talk. Gemini thrives in the world of communication. Words and conversation fuel him and his opinions matter to him a great deal. In fact they define who he is. Nothing will make him more proud than when people agree with the words that come out of his mouth. If they disagree, no big deal. At least it means they’ve listened. But if he’s ignored, that’s the pits. In fact it’s his Achilles heel. Not being listened to will utterly deflate and inflame him. He’s bright though, make no mistake about that. Maybe not in an academic sense but quick-witted and smart nonetheless. And he enjoys living by his wits which means focus is certainly not a strong point. He has no staying power either, being motivated more by variety and by finding the next stimulating but short-lived fix of fun and entertainment. Boredom bores him rigid. He needs to be constantly on the move both mentally and physically. Without that he’s a caged lion.

Moon in Sagittarius

Upbeat and up for anything, his instinctive response to stuff is adventurous and forward-thinking.  With the Moon in this expansive, cavalier Sign, less is definitely not more! His whole impulse is to see and do things in a big, often over-the-top way. There are no half measures and nothing minimalist about him. His big picture world view means he can’t see the trees for the wood!  Detail is his nemesis and his inability to pay attention to it may well be his downfall. When the contest advances and his policies and opinions are held up to scrutiny, bluff and bluster won’t work.

Little surprise then that Trump has that showy, theatrical, larger than life way about him. Make no mistake, he’ll be enjoying every single second of his time in the spotlight!  And the competition will be thrilling him too. But is this a man driven by noble principles and a genuine desire to benefit his fellow man and woman? Absolutely not! He’s in the spotlight because he embodies what a lot of discontented, disillusioned and very angry Americans are feeling right now. Let’s hope they – and Donald trump – are eclipsed by less volatile voters looking for a President who embodies reason, objectivity and decorum. Time will tell!