Our Mum, Anne Henderby/Duncan founder of Astrosense, sadly died from cancer in July 2020. In her honour, we’ve made it our heart-felt mission to keep Astrosense  active and fully operational.

    Thank you for your support in making this happen for our beloved Mum and the rest of our family.

    Please read below my Mum’s story in her own words.

    My name is Anne Henderby. I’m a professional Astrologer and member of the Astrological Association of Great Britain. I founded AstroSense a few years back to offer parents of newborn babies the opportunity of buying a highly personalised baby gift with a difference. The Baby’s Personality Horoscope was born!

    As a former sub-editor with DC Thomson publishers, I was first introduced to Astrology over 20 years ago. Initially I viewed the subject with some scepticism. However my interest grew as I realised it combines two subjects that had always fascinated me – Astronomy and Psychology. But could there actually be a connection between someone’s character and the positions of the Sun, Moon and Planets at the time of their birth? To find out I enrolled at the London Faculty of Astrological Studies and it didn’t take long for me to grasp that this absorbing, profound and ancient subject is about far more than ”Star Signs”.  Much, much more! And I’ve been well and truly hooked ever since!

    The Baby’s Personality Horoscope proved to be a big hit. So now, along with my small but enthusiastic team, we offer our current range of beautifully presented Astrology Gifts. Each is ideal as a truly thoughtful and very special personalised gift.  And one that will last a lifetime!

    I’m passionate about educating people about Astrology too and that’s the aim of our celebrity charts and blog page. Take a look and hopefully you’ll be entertained and enlightened at the same time!


    Address: AstroSense
    Cammo Road,

    Do you have questions about how we can help you?
    Send us an email and we’ll get in touch shortly.